Economics Affairs of India and World - Some Few Facts

The Ex-officio Secretary of National Development Council is: -secretary of Planning Commission
Targeted power capacity addition for 11th plan period (2007-2012) is : --66463 Megawatt
Tarapore Committee submitted its report on Full Convertibility on Rupee in: -Capital Account
Narsimham Committee (Second) constituted in 1997 and which submitted its report on April 23, 1998 was related to: -Banking Reforms
In order to check causalities in industrial unites to reduce the incidents of dangers and to promote the awareness for safety among
labourers, National Safety Council was established in: -1966
Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) was passed in: -1986
The centrally sponsored scheme of Infrastructure Development in
Mega Cities in operation from 1993-94 applies to the five mega cities namely: -Mumbai Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Bangalore
The largest producer of Coffee in the country is: -Karnataka
The most important law enforcing Article 24 prohibiting the employment of children below the age of 14 years in any factory or other hazardous activities is : -The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana was launched on:-December 25, 2000
The largest state of India (area wise) is: -Rajasthan
Hyderabad (in Andhra Pradesh) is located on the bank: Musi River
The river Cauvery rises on the Western edge of: -The Western Ghats
(In the Brahmagiri Hills)
Ankleshwar Basin (offshore) oil- fields is located in:- Gujarat
India is divided into: -Eight postal zones Rail Coach Factory is located in: Kapurthala (Punjab)
India's first Atomic Power Plant is: Tarapur (Mumbai) established in 1969
Where is the volcanic mountain Mt. St. Helens situated- United States of America
Temperate grasslands of Eurasia are called: - Steppe
The circulation and movement of soluble inorganic matter (nutrients) derived from sedimentary and atmospheric phases and reservoirs through
organic phase of various biotic components and finally their return to inorganic phase is collectively called: -Biogeochemical Cycles
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