Banner Blindness – Reduce the Ignorance of Visitors by Using Creative Ads

In the first season of web boom, internet was considered as the money-generating tool; this hyped the business of banner-ad but most of the posted ads were irrelevant for visitors. Hence, they tended to overlook these ads. This tendency of visitors was first discovered in 1998 and named as, ‘Banner Blindness.’
The ads that were ignored incorporated both vibrant external ad banners as well as internal navigational banners, such as quick link ads. This contradicted the common ppc search engine marketing belief that larger, colorful and animated web ads gather visitors attention. In 2000, an experiment showed that visitor land to such web banners just once and then started ignoring such ads, as they understand that the ad is not of their use. It is common human tendency that when visitors look for any specific information, they focus on only those parts of the page which are of search relevance. Normally, they concentrate on small links while looking for any information; hence, large clicks are overlooked. To avoid such ignorance of visitors, pay per click management is paying attention to use of ads with real contents or eyeball effecting animations.
Though it has proved that ads that incorporate contents are more effective than ads that look like contents, ppc services professions are concentrating on creation of content incorporating ads to entice visitors. Experts recommend three methods to reduce banner blindness that includes, ad rotation, incorporation of taglines and unique names and use of image of faces. ‘Tagline incorporation and use of unique names’ is taken as the most effective method to reduce banner blindness of visitors, as visitors are always tended to click on links, which seem unusual to them. Use of face image simply enhances the possibilities of click on the ad links as it is a human nature to get attracted to a pretty face.
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